Professional and students don't always get social chances to meet up and geek out about the projects that inspire and excite us. Introverts, extroverts, and somewhere-between-verts will have a few minutes to meet, exchange an idea, and move on. Join AIGA Colorado at Workplace Elements for some hangout.... and ice cream.
Brand new to the design world or new in town? Feeling isolated as a freelancer? Looking for fresh minds to work with? Uneasy in a sea of strangers?
Well then - Come Meet Your Kind! In a low-pressure, speed dating-like fashion, we’ll help you make make new connections with dozens of like-minded professionals and students who can help you grow your business, develop your career, and expand your local design community.
Please RSVP and join us at Workplace ELEMENTS for conversation and ice cream from ICE CREAM RIOT to get that sugar rush going!
And of course, bring your friends too!
Ice Cream provided by:
Ice Cream Riot